This Guide has been developed in conjunction with farmers and practitioners in different parts of New South Wales to improve the on-farm management of riparian land (the land that runs alongside waterways).
It is based on the principle that your riparian land forms an important part of your entire farm, and should be managed taking into account its special needs. It contains practical advice that will help you:
- recognise and value your riparian land;
- understand the impacts that stock are having on your riparian land and waterways, and identify areas where you can improve your management;
- develop strategies and infrastructure to manage your riparian areas so that they can contribute to your farm business productively, and without damage to the land or waterway.
Your riparian land (the land alongside your waterway) forms an important part of your entire farm, and should be managed taking into account its special needs.

This guide was funded by WaterNSW and the Australian River Restoration Centre.
The authors acknowledge the contribution of Stuart Naylor and Siwan Lovett who have provided valuable feedback and advice throughout the preparation of the guide.
Special thanks to the landholders who have shared their experiences about managing stock and waterways:
- Matt and Maree Doyle, Yass;
- Margie Fitzpatrick, Goulburn;
- Brad and Tabitha Hawthorne, Kangaroo Valley;
- Garry Kadwell, Crookwell;
- Grant and Jane Sherborne, Burrawong;
- Dave and Skye Ward, Bungonia.
Published by:
Australian River Restoration Centre
Postal Address:
GPO Box 881, Dickson ACT 2602
+61 2 6247 7997
Staton, J. & O’Sullivan, J. (2019). Stock and Waterways: a NSW Manager’s Guide.
Prepared by:
Jillian Staton, The Write Woman
Jenny O’Sullivan, Linking Environment, Agriculture and People
Edited by:
Stuart Naylor, WaterNSW
Siwan Lovett, Australian River Restoration Centre
Publication design by:
Jillian Staton, The Write Woman
Website design by:
Pat Gudhka
Homepage photo by:
Adam Hollingworth
This Guide updates ‘Stock and Waterways: a Manager’s Guide’ that was prepared by Jillian Staton and Jenny O’Sullivan and published by Land & Water Australia in 2006.
The information contained in this publication is intended for general use, to assist public knowledge and discussion and to help improve the sustainable management of land, water and vegetation. It includes general statements based on scientific research. Readers are advised and need to be aware that this information may be incomplete or unsuitable for use in specific situations. Before taking any action or decision based on the information in this publication, readers should seek expert professional, scientific and technical advice. To the extent permitted by law, the authors assume no liability for any loss or damage as the result of using or relying on the content of this publication.
This website is a collaborative project between: